Saturday, February 24, 2007

Kendal was great for her 9 month pictures today, we took them a week early. We will proably have a few posts of pictures. Hope all are well. Enjoy.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Today Maddy was 8 months old, so we had dinner at the Kreider's. Maddy is quickly learning how to walk, and Kendal is learning how to scoot. Maddy is able to take 7 steps without help, watch out Kreider's she is going to be running circles around you soon. Maddy and Kendal were beating each other up. What I should say is Kendal was fighting like a girl and she kept pulling Maddy's hair and making her cry. Bad Kendal. All in all a fun night a few pictures are below.

Kendal and Maddy with their new headbands.

Kendal eating a lemon.

Maddy eating a lemon.

Kendal trying to poke Maddy.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Look who learned how to drive! Click the link here.

Below are some other pictures from this past weekend. Enjoy

Kendal and the balloon Marnie got me for Valentine’s Day

Kendal's two front teeth coming in...

Kendal and Grandpa Schmidt

Who’s the cutest?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Kendal had some visitors for the weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt came up to watch Kendal since I had to work all weekend, and Mike has been very busy working on the basement. Kendal has been zooming around the house sitting on her trucks. She ran into Mike's new TV a few times, but don't tell Mike. She is getting stronger standing and before we know it she will be cruising around holding onto the furniture. Two new pictures below. Enjoy.

Kendal feeding herself her medicine, while riding Dora

Grandpa and Grandma Schmidt with Kendal and Cheeto

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I can stand! Kendal had another good day! All better now.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Figured I would give an update since Kendal had a pretty bad cold this weekend. She had a great day today at daycare... she seems to be getting better really fast. She drank all of her milk today and was not crabby at all! Whohoo! Back to normal...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Here is a link to a video that Marnie took this weekend... kind of long but gives you an idea of just how fast Kendal is growing up!
Let's see, since our last post Kendal has gotten one of her top front teeth, got a bad case of bronchitis, and an ear infection. Then today, her second tooth on top started to pop through. So, I guess you can say we had a pretty crummy week. Kendal has decided to stop drinking her milk, so we are trying popsicles, watermelon, and pedialyte to keep her hydrated or the doctor told us she will have to go to the hospital for IV fluids. Anyone have any other suggestions for us? Oh, I did try Gatorade, but she didn't like it. Even with Kendal feeling crummy we went to Steve and Jenny Cichy's Euchre tournament last night. She was a hit, flirting with all of the young guys. She was a trooper, and slept through a pretty loud party without a peep. Below are a few pictures from the last week. Enjoy.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Today was another big day for the Schmidt Family. Kendal's leg is all healed up and the cast came off. YEAH!!! Believe it or not, we made it 2 weeks and 2 days without an explosive poop getting into her cast. Kendal is already acting like the cast was never there. She got to take her first bath in over 2 weeks, and boy was she happy. She has started crawling, well kind of. She only has figured out how to go backwards, but before we know it she will have the forward thing figured out and we are going to be in trouble. We also noticed today that her two top front teeth are starting to come in. All kinds of stuff to write about today. A bunch of new pictures are below. Enjoy.

Kendal driving her new truck... thanks mom!

Now can you tell who Kendal looks like?

Audri (our babysitter) managed to get both babies to fall asleep. How did she carry both?

Playing in my exersaucer even with my cast

You are supposed to crawl towards the toys, not away from them

I crashed the car dad... :> It's OK, mommy will buy you a new one!

I really do like this new truck!

Check out my two teeth...

There's nothing under the hood dad?


Push me faster Maddy!

On my way to get my cast off! It sure is cold out...

Minutes after the cast was removed... I did not cry once

Home again and already working on the new truck