Kendal is talking more and more everyday, and getting very good at imitating everything we do. She is getting good at watching football, knowing when to yell GO! GO! GO! and Down (her version of touchdown). It’s not always for the right team but it is cute when she throws her arms up in the air. She even did it for the Madden 08 commercial.
We had a few people over for the big game this weekend. Kendal woke up just before kick off and had a great time playing with her friends while we watched the game. We had so many yummy things to eat here, I am afraid to see what I will weigh after this weekend and Thanksgiving. Kendal and Maddy were playing very nicely together, with only a few fights that had to be broken up. Poor Ben is still getting beat up by these girls. Sooner or later he will get tired of it and pay the girls back for being so mean.
Enjoy some recent pictures below: