Sunday, November 18, 2007

I know it has been months since I actually posted something here. All in all, I am feeling good; hard to believe I am going to be a mom to two girls in just a few months. I am not much of a picture person, so I doubt you will be getting belly shots of me prego.

Kendal is talking more and more everyday, and getting very good at imitating everything we do. She is getting good at watching football, knowing when to yell GO! GO! GO! and Down (her version of touchdown). It’s not always for the right team but it is cute when she throws her arms up in the air. She even did it for the Madden 08 commercial.

We had a few people over for the big game this weekend. Kendal woke up just before kick off and had a great time playing with her friends while we watched the game. We had so many yummy things to eat here, I am afraid to see what I will weigh after this weekend and Thanksgiving. Kendal and Maddy were playing very nicely together, with only a few fights that had to be broken up. Poor Ben is still getting beat up by these girls. Sooner or later he will get tired of it and pay the girls back for being so mean.

Enjoy some recent pictures below:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's a Girl! We had a 16 week ultrasound on Friday and the tech was 100% positive it is a girl. Picture below. Looks like we won't need to buy anymore clothes. We are very excited!

Halloween was fun; Kendal got to go trick or treating twice. Once with me downtown last weekend and again on Halloween night in our neighborhood. She did great and figured out what to do in no time. There are plenty of good pictures on Ben and Maddy's blogs as well. Pics below:

16 week Ultrasound

Daddy and Kendal in her castle!

Kendal in her bee costume!

Daddy and Kendal downtown...


Kendal, Ben, Greg, and I

Peek a boo!

Come here Cheeto!

Ooh La La

Yes, I know I'm cute

Kendal steals Ben's candy

They're really not sleeping

the kids...

Sugar high!

Kendal's new favorite toy for the day