I made it to the 21 week mark! I am actually feeling pretty good and enjoying eating a lot more than when I was pregnant with Kendal. Unfortunately, I want to eat sweet food all the time. I will definitely put on more weight this time than the last.
Last week I attempted to see what it will be like with more than one child. I volunteered to watch Ben and Maddy while all the parents went to open volleyball to get in a practice prior to their first game tonight. It went ok, but open gym was from 8pm to 10pm, pretty much all 3 were tired and ready for bed. Plus Kendal is still fighting her lingering winter cold. I am definitely not ready for triplets. I was whooped by the time volleyball was over. But I did find a few minutes to whip up some brownies for us.
Mandy and Aunt Maggie came to visit last weekend. We just hung out at home, and enjoyed the time with Kendal. We enjoyed lots of food, and I actually cooked most of it. Maybe I can be a stay at home mom???
Kendal is talking like crazy and loves the Wonder Pets and the Wiggles. Every time she sees the TV remote she asks for Ming Ming (one of the wonder pets). She does the Monkey Wiggles dance all the time making the monkey and tiger sounds, doing baby squats wile dancing around the room. Mike has it on video, someday once our lives slow down we will get it on here. Kendal must either be going through a growing spurt or getting some new teeth, she has NOT been sleeping good! On average she is waking up once a night for about an hour at a time. Or she is just getting us ready for the next child. She loves to give Cheeto hugs and jump all over him. We are sure lucky to have a dog that puts up with so much. Kendal is starting to bring us diapers and the changing pad when she wants her diaper changed. She also will tell you, "I pooped". Maybe we should start potty training soon?
We are working on Kendal's new room. We are going with a dark brown and pink theme. We are hoping to have the room done soon, so that after Christmas we can put her in her big girl bed.
Hope all are well. Enjoy some new pictures below:

Kendal, Cheeto, and Daddy

Kendal in her Dora table!

Kendal riding her giraffe...

Kendal and Mommy

Bananas anyone?

Kendal in her new Christmas pajamas!

Kendal in her new travel bed...