Happy Birthday Aunty Mandy!!!Man is it hard to keep up with this blog.
Our little baby is now six months old. The time is flying by. She is still our sweet little peanut. She hasn't had her official six month well visit but her appointment last week she weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs and 14 ounces (5th%), hey at least she is gaining weight. I will be happy to be out of the 0-3 month clothes hopefully soon since they are all wearing out and getting holes from being washed so often, and I refuse to buy new ones. She is rolling all over the place, sitting up supported and loves to shake her rattles. She is doing better with her bottle and is a good eater with a spoon. I think so far her favorite foods are peas and sweet potatoes. She loves to stand up, and enjoys standing up next to furniture.
Kendal is good as always. She is obsessed with princesses right now. She loves to wear dresses and princess crowns with pretty necklaces. She tells everyone that she is a princess and that her mommy tells her that. Mommy and Daddy are kings according to Kendal. I am working on the queen title for me. She loves her sister and is always giving Hayden toys, paci's, and her bottle. Kendal loves to read books; she even has one memorized and reads it back to you. We are working on the whole potty thing. She is wearing princess underwear (pull-ups), and we are getting better every day.
Enjoy some new pictures.

Loves her sweet potatoes

Wicked Mommy making Cinderella wash windows

Hayden swinging at the park

Enjoying a walk

Feed me already

I'm a Princess

Sweet baby

I'm chewing on everything

Another Princess pic

Smiley baby

Kendal loves to dip her food