This morning we took the kids to have Breakfast with Santa! This was at Castaway Cafe so Kendal got to have plenty of other fun as well. Kendal did a little better with Santa this time... she didn't cry, but didn't smile either. Maybe next year. We ordered our Christmas cards today as well, see below for a preview. Other than that we had a nice relaxing weekend together. Some other pics are below as well.
Look at my teeth!
Daddy feeding Hayden
Where's the presents!
Their first fight!
Kendal told Santa she wants a GPS for daddy's car!
Monday, December 08, 2008
My parents were up again this weekend to see the kids... some pictures below. When I was in France I forgot that we did take a few camera phone pics... the Eifel tower is pretty cool at night. As well, the Arc de Triumph was interesting as my grandfather actually marched through there after WWII.