Hayden had her one year check up today. She is slowly gaining weight and growing. We got the OK to start whole milk once all the breast milk is gone. Dr. Kerin thinks she probably has outgrown some of her allergies and we are also slowly trying to get rid of her medication.
Here are her one year stats:
15 lbs 8 oz (below 3%)
28 3/4 inches (50%)
So she is probably going to be one skinny kid. We finally got out the 6-9 month clothes. It is funny to see her in Kendal's old clothes. Kendal was in this size at about 4 months. I looked back at the blog from when Kendal was a baby and she was over 15 lbs at 3 months and 27 inches. Amazing how different sisters can be.
Here's what Hayden has been up to lately.
She is a crawling freak, and has no desire to walk except for along furniture.
She is a very pickey eater. She has about 5 bottles a day with 4-5oz of breast milk, and baby food or table food at all meals.
She is a horrible sleeper. She has been going to bed around 8pm and up 1-2 times per night. She is up for good around 7 am. Naps vary, if she takes a long one in the morning then she doesn't take one in the afternoon.
She babbles all day long.
She can say baba, mama, dada, Cheeto, bad boy, uh oh, tickle tickle and something that sounds like Kendal and Hayden. Maybe she will be like her sister in the talking area.
She is drinking juice from a sippy cup when she is in the mood, we will start with the cup instead of her bottle when we add whole milk.
She loves her sister and follows her everywhere. Kendal loves Hayden too. They play well together.
She loves our animals and enjoys tormenting Cheeto and Tigger.
She loves to sneak up the stairs when we forget to close the gait.
She is a blessing and we are grateful to have her in our lives.
I also went back to the old blog posts and got baby pics of Mike and I. I think Hayden is a clone. What do you think?

Mike as a baby

Mandy(Left) and Marnie(Right)

Another one of Marnie

And another