The girls went to Cleveland for the past week to visit with family while Mike and I got to spend our summer vacation packing and unpacking. It is amazing how fast the time away from the girls went. We barely had a few free minutes to relax. We did get to have a nice dinner out with Jaclynn and Jason for my birthday which was very nice but very weird without kids. We haven't done that since before Jaclynn and I were pregnant with Maddy and Kendal.
The new house is coming along nicely. We are pretty much unpacked we just need to reorganize. I will leave that up to Mike since I am horrible at being organized. Once that is done, time to start enjoying the Lake life. Now we just need a boat.
Enjoy a few pictures below from Kendal's last B-day party in Howell and a few of the girls when they got back to Michigan and in the new house.