August 4th, 2006 – Kendal is 2 months old! This parenting thing gets more interesting every day. Her personality has really started to shine. She is making all kinds of new sounds and squeaks. We think we are going to have a talker on our hands! As well, she is starting to make some pretty neat facial expressions and smiles all the time. She can definitely support herself sitting up for a length of time now. When on her belly, she can do mini push-ups. This is all so cool. Below are some highlights from month two!

Kendal enjoys a visit from Auntie Mandy

Aunt Maggie came up to Michigan as well!

Who does my hair?

Another one?

A cute one of Kendal with daddy after a long day at the office...

Kendal is ahead of the curve taking on the jumperoo (ages 4 months and up). Oops!
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