Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween! Kendal dressed up as a little piggy! First, she went to visit Maddy and got some pictures taken. When we get a copy we will post them. After that, she only made it to a few houses before it got too cold. She helped us hand out candy for awhile but she fell asleep fairly quickly. Sarah came over with Ben since Greg is out of town and we ended up passing out about a dozen big bags of candy. Kendal is out for the night. A pic is below:

Kendal takes a nap after passing out too much candy...

Monday, October 30, 2006

REAL FOOD... Tonight we let Kendal try actual baby food. Green beans... yummy! Kendal didn't think they were all that great, but she did manage to get more than half the container down. She has been a bit crabby lately and nothing seems to soothe her other than pacing around. The minute you sit down she starts crying again. Dear Lord, please let that first tooth come in soon! Kendal is all messed up since we changed the clocks. Now she wants to go to bed around 6pm and she has been waking up between 5-7 am, I hope her body adjusts to the new time soon.

Nasty Green Beans!

Happy Baby

Monday, October 23, 2006

Nothing much new around here. Kendal is getting bigger everyday; she will be out of her 6-9 month clothes soon. Hard to believe that she is almost 5 months old. This time last year I was so sick I could barely get out of bed. I didn't think I would ever stop feeling nauseated. Kendal, Maddy, and Ben hung out together for the first game of the World Series. It was quite humorous when Kendal and Maddy were pinching and hitting each other. Kendal fell asleep before Ben came over, so Maddy was flirting with him since Kendal wasn't there. New pictures are below:

Kendal chillin in her baby snoopy outfit

Kendal playing on the floor

Kendal and Maddy... who's bigger?

Who does my hair?

Mommy does my hair!

Kendal eats like mommy

Kendal getting woken up from a comfy nap with dad

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kendal is finally better from her sinus infection, but she still snores like her father. Now we are really starting the whole teething phase. Anything she can grab goes right into her mouth. She is finally starting to understand what a teething ring is for. Overall things are great. Growing like a weed, she is now almost 27 inches tall and off the charts. Looking forward to this weekend to lay around with the family after a long week of work. Some recent pictures are below. Enjoy.

Go Browns!!!

Kendal on the phone with mom when she was at work

Daddy and the snow bunny

And another bunny picture

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today we spent the morning with Jaclynn, Jason, Maddy, Greg, Sarah, and Ben at the pumpkin patch. Hot cider and warm doughnuts really hit the spot. We had the kids dress up for a practice Halloween; hey we have to get our moneys worth out of their costumes. Kendal still has her cold so she was a little crabby and wasn't enjoying getting her picture taken. Overall, a great day! Thanks Mrs. Kriegl for taking the pictures!

Kendal, Maddy, and Mike (half of him)

Kendal, Maddy, and Ben. Watch out Ben, the girls are fighting over you!

Kendal and Maddy picking out pumpkins

That hand tastes good, doesn't it Maddy?

Kendal wearing the hat Uncle Timmy bought her

Waaaaaaaaaa, I don't want no stinking pumpkin...

The whole group, minus Mrs. Kriegl

Friday, October 06, 2006

Kendal rolled over tonight! We were over Jaclynn and Jason's watching the Tiger's game and she rolled from her belly to her back. She has been so close for weeks and she finally did it! Marnie and I screamed so loud that we scared her and made her start crying. That didn't last too long. We think she is finally getting over her cold... which turned into a sinus and ear infection this week. We hope she gets back to normal this weekend. Good job Kendal!

Kendal right after she rolled over!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Little Kendal Marie is 4 months old today! The past month has been great. She is really starting to use her hands a lot now. She grabs onto toys, her bib, just about anything you put in front of her… including your face! She really likes to grab noses and pinch.
Kendal did get her first cold this month and pink eye… twice. She still has a little cough that just doesn’t seem to go away. Our pediatrician said we can’t give her any medicine until she is at least six months old. In fact, they don’t recommend anything until the age of one. They said we should give her 2 teaspoons of corn syrup, twice a day. Doesn’t seem to be doing much… any ideas? We are not too worried as she has not gotten a fever and it does not bother her at all, she is almost always in a great mood! Again, we have got to be the luckiest parents!

Well, daycare is a weekly event now. We call it school around here. She will be starting to learn sign language when she is 6 months, but as you can see below she is already at the head of her class!

Kendal at my company picnic. Look at her right hand close.

Kendal’s clothes got stuck on her head… she seemed to like them there??

Kendal sleeping in mommy and daddy’s bed… don’t get too comfy!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Marnie dug up some old baby pictures of herself this morning... I now see why Kendal is so cute!

Marnie and Mandy

Feed me!

Marnie still makes a mess every time she eats... She somehow got fettuccini in her hair on our first date over 6 years ago! Now I know why.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We dug out this old picture my mom sent us a couple years ago... Does anyone see the scary resemblance between Kendal and Mike as a baby? Poor Kendal.

Michael Paul Schmidt - 8 weeks old
September 29th, 2006 - We just got Kendal's 3 month pictures back from Walmart! Below are two of our favorites.

Kendal and a stuffed monkey

Is it safe to predict a No. 1 vs. No.2 at 'The Shoe' on November 18th? Wouldn't that be sweet?
September 28th, 2006 – Kendal’s first boyfriend is here! Benjamin Gregory Abbott was born 8lbs 9oz., 22.5” long at 4:30 in the afternoon. Big Ben’s parents, Greg and Sarah are our next door neighbors. They are great neighbors with their only flaw being Michigan fans…

Jason and Benjamin

The Abbott’s first family photo

September 26th, 2006 – There were a couple firsts today for Kendal. Today was her first day in the high chair where she ate cereal for the first time. As well, today was the day that mommy thought her hair was long enough for bows! O know, here we go…

Daddy feeding Kendal… sort of

Kendal and her bows

Another cute one of Kendal and tummy time

September 23rd, 2006 – Kendal’s 2nd trip back to Cleveland. This time it was just her and mommy as daddy was out golfing and at a bachelor party! It was fun Steve-O!

Grandpa feeding Kendal at Aunt Patty’s retirement party

Damn Browns!

Mommy feeding Kendal

Sister Kathleen and Kendal

Aunt Maggie and Kendal

September 9th, 2006 – Ohio State vs. Texas… We know Kendal was as pumped up as daddy!

Go Bucks!

Look at the stars in her eyes!

September 4th, 2006 – Kendal is three months old! This age has got to be the best for parents! It doesn’t take much to make Kendal laugh now. She eats, sleeps, and plays… what else could you ask for? Her vocabulary has expanded tremendously. Her goo’s and ga’s sometimes have more than one syllable now! She is well over 15lbs now and around 24 inches tall. Most of her hair fell out except for the patch on top and in the back. She does so much squirming in her crib and when she plays that it just rubs off! Drooling has started to become an all day event… Perhaps her first tooth is right around the corner?

Kendal sleeping in her jumperoo… again!

One of our favorites… Kendal in her Bumbo! This little seat is great!

Daddy and Kendal playing

Kendal relaxing in the back yard as daddy gets some yard work done

Busted! Mommy taking a snooze with Kendal

What else can we say… Go Bucks!

Kendal in her ExerSaucer for the first time!