August 19th, 2006 – Camping trip with the neighbors up by Traverse City, Mi… 6 adults (one 8 months pregnant), 2 babies, and 4 dogs. It was an eventful drive up and within the first hour, two of the dogs were brawling. Things calmed down shortly after and we all had a great time. The first night, Greg and I drank all the beer before anyone else could get any… sorry Marnie. The weather was rough the next day, but we made the best of it with a campfire and a little Golden Tee! Jaclynn and Jason sure know how to camp; we don’t eat breakfast that good at home! We did spend one afternoon at Torch Lake swimming with the dogs, and Marnie and I popped our air mattress and slept on the ground both nights. Of course Kendal had her pack and play and slept great! Excellent trip!Kendal in her swing laughing at mommy with the camera
Sarah holding a confused Maddy Marie
Daddy playing rough with Cheeto in the water
Kendal sleeping in her car seat
Jason struggling to get that 1st beer down
Our favorite pic of the trip. Look at Kendal’s eyes as daddy holds her close
The Road to Cleveland, OH
7 years ago
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