Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Well, Thanksgiving went well. I didn't poison anybody with my wonderful cooking! Mike put up some Christmas lights and finally got rid of his race car. Yea! Kendal is doing great; she is working on her 2nd tooth! We took her to the doctors today for a little cough, but they said everything is fine. She now weighs 17lbs 2oz. Some recent pictures are below:

Kendal sitting up on her own!

Kendal outside playing on the deck in the nice weather

Kendal feeding herself

Save me from Cheeto!

Christmas decorations and lights

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Daddy got some pictures! See below...

If you haven't figured it out yet, Kendal got her ears pierced last Sunday. She did good, and looks even cuter with her sparkling new earings. Kendal gave us a surprise on Monday...Her first tooth. We are trying to get a picture of it, but Kendal doesn't want the camera in her mouth. Maybe once it stops hurting then she will show us her pearly whites. Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Did a little Christmas shopping today. Kendal was the only one to get presents. New pictures from today below....

Can you tell what's new? Let us know if you figure it out, leave a comment.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Woohoo! What a game... We all know it was not nearly as close as the final score said, but it sure was a great game! Big Ben came over in the morning to get some pictures taken, and then Maddy was over for the game. Shane showed up as well to support to Maze and Blue... Boo. We attached some videos from this morning and some recent pictures below. I know quality sucks on the videos, but starting with 1080HD it takes a LOT of compressing to get it small enough. Go Bucks! Only one to go!

Kendal rolls over!

Again... and she says "Hi

Kendal screams... Go Bucks!

Mommy and Kendal

Daddy and Kendal

Kendal trying on her new Santa hat

Big Ben and Kendal before tipoff

Daddy's new car

Thursday, November 16, 2006

For the first time in three months Kendal woke us up during the night screaming. When Mike went into her room, he found that she had rolled onto her belly while sleeping and couldn't figure out how to get back onto her back. After Mike fed her and rocked her she finally she went back to sleep. I forgot what it is like to get out of a nice warm bed to a screaming baby. Definitely not ready to start that again.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Well, Kendal had a great weekend! Daddy bought a new car all the way in Pennsylvania, so Kendal and mommy got to drop dad off at the train station Friday night, and then she got to spend the whole day with Maddy on Saturday. Saturday night, she got to hang out with Ben too, as Greg came back from Florida for the weekend. On Sunday, Kendal relaxed and watched football with Dad then got to go out to dinner and hang out with Maddy again! She really liked the ride in daddy’s new car! What an eventful weekend. We are all pooped. A couple recent pictures are below…

Kendal and Maddy at Jason's mom house

Kendal and Mommy... Who's cuter?

Go Cavs!

Kendal and Aunt Mandy

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kendal is now 5 months old! Wow has time flown by! Things are still going great; Kendal got to experience peas for the first time today and she seemed to like them better than green beans. No yucky faces this time. Aunt Mandy and John came to visit this past weekend. They watched Kendal all day Saturday so we could go test drive cars. Mandy got to change her first Kendal poopy diaper... bad Bumbo! 11 days and counting... Go Bucks! Recent pics are below:

Grandpa Taz and Kendal

Kendal testing out her Christmas shoes... watch out for the toilet!

Kendal watching TV

Kendal smiles at Grandpa Taz

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here are the Halloween pictures as promised.

The whole gang minus Greg

Maddy and Kendal hanging out while the parents played Sequence last weekend. The guys won!

Miss Maddy and her pumpkin