Kendal is now 5 months old! Wow has time flown by! Things are still going great; Kendal got to experience peas for the first time today and she seemed to like them better than green beans. No yucky faces this time. Aunt Mandy and John came to visit this past weekend. They watched Kendal all day Saturday so we could go test drive cars. Mandy got to change her first Kendal poopy diaper... bad Bumbo! 11 days and counting... Go Bucks! Recent pics are below:

Grandpa Taz and Kendal

Kendal testing out her Christmas shoes... watch out for the toilet!

Kendal watching TV

Kendal smiles at Grandpa Taz
Hey Mike and Marnie!
I check Kendal's blog frequently. I think this is an awesome idea.
She's SOOOOOOOOO cute...anyway - how about I stop by next weekend (Nov 17) to visit and play with the little one.
;) I hope you guys are doing well.
You are more than welcome anytime! Spartans suck!
Kendal and Taz...I hope the poor baby doesn't get nightmares! It is a good thing that she looks like her aunts and not her grandfather!
"Aunt Sister"
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