The basement project is on hold this week as I need to get ready for the trip. I got pretty far and the end is in sight. Everything is primed and the ceilings are done. The trim is all cut and painted. The door is up and painted as well.
Kendal has been great as well over the past few weeks. She is starting to take tiny wobbly steps if you hold her arms up. As well, if you leave her standing against the ottoman, she will make her way around it to get to any toys on the other side. She has perfected the crawling thing and now she seems to destroy anything in her path... we definitely have to keep a closer eye on her now.
Below are a couple funny videos of Kendal over the last week. There is another of her walking around the ottoman, but its too big right now to upload... maybe next time. Enjoy!
Kendal not listening to mommy...
Kendal tries to catch water in her hands...
Recent pics are below:

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