The ride to and from Cleveland stunk. Kendal cried most of the way there and finally fell asleep when we got off the highway and were about 10 minutes from Mike's parent’s house. Then she must have thought she had slept all night, so she decided to stay up till after midnight. I was hoping that would mean she would sleep in a bit, nope not my kid she was up at 6am on the dot and ready to party.
The ride home she was better as long as I kept passing her baby cheetos to eat, but we got stuck in a bad thunderstorm and could only drive about 25-45 mph for about one hour so it made the trip even longer.
We made it home safe and sound, unpacked the car, and then Kendal must have found a caffeine pill or something. The kid just wouldn't stop. She was crawling all over the place, playing with all her toys, screaming and laughing as she discovered something new. It was pretty cute but we were exhausted after the long weekend.
A few pictures below from the weekend. We kinda forgot to keep the camera with us, so if anyone has good pictures send them our way. Mike will have videos on later this week. Thanks again to everyone who helped make Kendal’s first birthday so special. It was great to see everyone too.

Kendal...Happy Birthday! You are the big ONE today. I can't believe it. Hey, I love the dress you wore for your party! :) Can't wait to see the big one year old at swimming tonight.
Happy Birthday Big Girl...I cannot believe how fast time has gone by!
Congratulations Kendal Marie on turning one. I have really enjoyed being a Grandma this year. I love you very much. Love, Grandma Ann
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