Two weekends ago, we all packed up and made a long overdue trip to Cleveland. I got to play in a golf outing with Timmy and Marnie took Kendal to see her dad and sister. Kendal got to spend plenty of time with my parents as well since we stayed that their house. Overall, a fun and relaxing weekend; just too short when you spend half a day on the road.
Last weekend Marnie had to work except for Labor Day and by then she was exhausted from working all those 12's in a row. Marnie's sister and Aunt Maggie came to visit Kendal though. We all had a great time... I spent all day Saturday and a part of Sunday working on my car... it was so nice to have the extra help with Kendal, that project would have taken me weeks otherwise. Kendal did great as always!
Nothing else much new... Kendal is as cute as ever. We think she is going through another growth spurt as she was tossing and turning most of last night. She looked taller when she woke up this morning. :>
Recent pictures below:

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