Last weekend we went to the Zoo! Maddy's blog has some great pictures on it of Kendal. Jaclynn posted them that next Monday. The zoo was fun; Kendal skipped all her naps that day and still did great! Kendal and Maddy actually got along too! Overall, a great day. We got home in time to watch the Buckeyes roll!
Zoo pics and videos below:

Meow... Kendal waves to the Tiger
Kendal and Maddy holding hands
Bad chimp! (This is the one that Jaclynn was talking about in her post)
Kendal calls daddy a Rhino!
Kendal likes reptiles!
The troublemakers teasing the Croc
This past weekend was another good one as well. My parents came to visit and Ben turned one! We went to his party on Saturday where Kendal had a great time playing with all the other kids. She seems to hold her own quite well with 2 and 3 year olds. The food was great, maybe not the cake though as Ben didn't want anything to do with it just like Kendal when she turned one. The Bucks rolled again and the Browns pulled out another victory. Watch out Packers!
Other then two nice relaxing weekends, things are still going great. Kendal has had a runny nose for the past week, but so have all the neighbor/daycare kids. Must be that time of year. She is starting to figure out how to get into everything! Before it was just things that she could reach, but now she is climbing everywhere to get what she wants. Marnie calls her monkeywoman!
More pictures below:

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