As you know, we went camping with the neighbors last weekend. It was rainy and cold... Thank goodness we were in cabins! We spent Saturday at an indoor water park down the road and pretty much relaxed the rest of the time around the campfire. They had blueberry bushes on site... I never knew how good they were fresh. The kids were great and put up with the rain and mud, Marnie too!
This past weekend my parents came to visit while Marnie and I got to go out to a concert and celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. We had a great time. I love you hunny! Recent pics below:

My favorite pic... everybody's got two... Who will be next?

Cutie pie Hayden

Kendal and daddy

Ben swimming on his own...

Kendal too


Hayden eating nummys (fruit snacks)

Kendal and Maddy exploring

This is as close as Maddy got to a fish

Kendal caught a big one

Ben too

Who you looking at?

Driving like daddy

The mess got worse... we sure had fun separating about 6 different board games

Baby Gabe

The fam

OAR tour bus, we were VIP, front row center

After 5 years of marriage... still going strong

I'm getting good at self portraits

Our new friends, Jason and Michelle
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