We have definately been enjoying my new work schedule, being off on the weekends could get expensive. But we have been doing lots of family stuff.
We had an uneventful Thanksgiving here in Michigan. Mike was the only one who eats thanksgiving type food, so I did a lot of cooking for one person. After afternoon naps, Kendal and I snuck out to the movies to see Tangled in 3D. It was a cute movie, and Kendal looked adorable in her little 3d glasses. I quickly dropped her off at home and off I went on my annual Black Friday Shopping. Jaclynn and I left at 9pm and I finally came home around 9:30 am. It was a lot of fun. We met some really nice people in line and we got all of the big items we wanted. I can't wait till next year.
I think we have to say we are now a true Michigan family. We brought our kids to Bass ProShops to see Santa, no mall Santa for this family. We got to look at fishing stuff, boating stuff, look at stuffed bears, skunks and tons of other animals while we were waiting our turn. I actually had a good time. But seriously how many families do this to get pictures with Santa. Both girls sat with Santa and told him what they wanted without tears this year.
We had our first snow this past weekend. Only about 1/2 inch, but enough to get snow pants on and play outside. I have a strange feeling we will be spending a lot of time outside this winter.

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