Sorry for the 8 month delay in the blog. We plan to make a post each day to get caught up. Below are pictures of Mike's 1st Muskie, a visit from the Kreider's for Kendal's 5th birthday party when we had just filled the pool up with cold water the night before. Jaclynn, Maddy, Mylee, and Mckynzee all stayed for a few days prior to their big move back to the UP. We miss them a lot, but we will visit with each other every chance we get. Hayden and Mylee Jo have become very close over the past few years and when you see them from behind it is hard to tell who is who. Every time we have them out somewhere together people always ask if they are twins. Kinda funny that they are almost a year apart. As always Kendal and Maddy are still very close. They love each other one minute then they are fighting like cats and dogs the next minute. We enjoyed the visit with the Kreider's and hope to see them soon. There are bunch of old videos we finally got around to uploading below the pics...

Third Place Fish Nice Catch

Silly girl

Going out for Mother's Day Brunch
Looking stylish with my indoor shades
Hayden and Mylee Jo, the twins
Mylee's first sleep over with Hayden
Best Friends Forever
First trip on the tube for Kendal
First trip on the tube for Hayden
Kendal isn't afraid
Happy 5th Birthday Kendal
Jo Jo is swimming
Zack, Jo Jo and Hayden snuggled up together
BFF Kendal and Maddy. We miss you Maddy.
Chocolate cake from Zingerman's. Yum
Rub a dub dub, how many more kids can we fit in this tub
Kendal and Maddy goofing around

The twins
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