Kendal is growing up. She is now in Kindergarten. Hard to believe our first born is already in school. Where has the time went. Kendal was super excited about the first day except for her outfit. You all know how Kendal is about her clothes. She had to wear a special yellow t-shirt that all the kids in kindergarten were wearing so they could be easily picked out from the other kids arriving at school. We made the outfit as best we could to her style. She was up super early and so excited to actually ride the big yellow bus. Mike and I both took the day off work so we could see her get on the bus the first time. Then I met her at school to show her the class room since she had never even been in the school. I dropped her off at class she said bye, and she sent me on my way. She didn't even look back at me. A few tears were shed and not by Kendal

All ready for the first Day
Showing off her two new teeth
Waiting for the Bus
Enough Pictures
Patiently Waiting

Ok mom you can leave now
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