Below are some pictures of what I have spent most of my free time on over the last 6 weeks... Kendal's new room in the basement. It's not going to actually be her bedroom, but we got the idea to make a playroom since she has so many toys and we don't have the room upstairs. I think we wanted our dining room back anyway. The room downstairs is really one big room consisting of a 15x15 an 7x7 and a 4x6 area. Kendal gets her own little cubby, then theres an area for our PC, and the main room will have couches and a TV. Drywall is next, anyone wanna help? We actually may hire someone to do the drywall since it is my least favorite part of the project. It should all be done in the next few months before Kendal's 1st birthday party!

Wow! You guys have been busy! We have a toddler and I couldn't even think about doing that kind of construction with him around!
Keep up the hard work!
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