Well, Kendal is nine months old today! She is growing up so fast... it feels like yesterday that Marnie and I were spending our weekends hanging out with friends and going to the bar. Times sure have changed... all for the better though! Kendal has got to be the best baby we could ask for... she is always happy! I can't even begin to explain how it feels to come home from a day at work to see the funny grin on her face when I walk in the room. She truly has turned me into a wimp; I'm OK with it though. Her leg is definitely all heeled up like it never happened. She is very mobile now... not walking but a combination of rolling and half crawling makes it much harder to keep an eye on her.
We finally started to baby proof the house since she seems to be amazed by outlets on the wall and the strings hanging from the blinds. Marnie put the covers on door handles too... a little pre-mature, but she says I better get used to them! Not only can I not open doors, I can't get the covers off the outlets without a set is vise-grips. Another reason for me not to vacuum!
Kendal has 4 teeth fully in now, with 2 more stubs and a lot more action going on in there. Her hair is getting much thicker and long (in her eyes). She seems to be growing taller by the day, but still skinny. She has her 9 month appointment this week so we will see for sure. Other than that, Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt visited again this weekend so I could work on the basement (Kendal's new room) some more. That's twice in 2 weeks they drove up here! It's Kendal’s beautiful smile that keeps bringing them back! Some recent pictures are below:

Who’s going to clean up this mess?

I can stick my tongue out too!

Who bought me this goofy hat!

Look at my bunny ears!

Push faster Maddy!

Big Ben!

All kinds of babies!

Jaclynn and Greg celebrating their birthday… the leftover cake made it almost a week surprisingly!

Maddy with the bunny ears!

Kendal on her truck

Kendal on her bouncy horse

Please get rid of these bunny ears dad!
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