Mike and I took the kids and Maddy to the Toledo Zoo on Tuesday as Mike took the day off work. It was extremely hot and humid, though we luckily missed all the rain until we got back to the car. Mike and I did well with the 3 kids but it is something we certainly would not want to do every day! Kendal and Maddy were great together as always and certainly had a ball. Both were snoring within 5 minutes of getting in the car. Hayden slept most of the time likely because of the heat. Big camping trip this weekend! Need to pack!
Below are some pics and a few funny videos:
Brushing the Goats!They Scared the Poop Out of a Goat!Herding Up the Goats!
New Pic of Hayden!

Chillin with the Penguins

Hayden and I

Riding an elephant...

In the Snugli!

Scary Fish!

Mike feeding Kendal to Jaws...

Maddy was impersonating a monkey she just saw...

On the gorilla...
Looks like the girls had a ton of fun! Thank you so much for including Maddy on your trip to the zoo. Doesn't look like Maddy listened too well though. Sorry! Thanks again.
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