Well, it was another eventful weekend camping. This past weekend, Mike and I packed up the girls and headed to Ohio for some camping with Heather, Brad, Dylan, Elizabeth and Uncle Timmy. It started off hot and very humid. But once we got unpacked and could relax a little the weather didn't bother us much on Friday. We woke up to thunderstorms on Sat, no fun. It continued to rain on and off most of the day, but we did manage to make it to Kelly's Island for a few hours. We all crammed into my van and took the ferry to the island. It didn't rain again until we were on the ferry back. Kendal and Dylan enjoyed the lake at the campground swimming and fishing. Kendal was brave and would jump off the dock into the water. She also caught a fish on her own, she even set the hook. It was a “huge 2 inch” blue gill but she thought it was the big one. Dylan also enjoyed fishing with Mike and Kendal. Sat evening Kendal was exhausted and went to bed around 8pm, so the rest of the kids hung out without her. It continued to rain on and off Saturday night too. Sunday started off crummy, raining again. But we stuck it out and it ended up being a beautiful day, which we enjoyed at the water park. Kendal was a bit emotional on Sunday, and was NOT digging hanging out in the water. So we headed home.
This morning I was dragged out of bed when Kendal's school called that she wouldn't stop crying and she had a rash all over her belly. After thinking she had the measles, we took her to the doctor and found out she has Hand Foot Mouth, a yucky virus that makes blisters on their hands, feet and in the mouth. So Kendal is home from school the rest of this week. Hayden is waiting to see the GI doctor for an expert opinion on why she is such a puke-a-saurus like Mark would say. She hasn't been gaining enough weight so we are a little concerned since she is so tiny to being with. We are trying her on a new medicine starting tomorrow, hopefully it helps.
Hayden is turning into a smiley baby with lots of baby talk especially for her daddy. She loves to roll around on the floor, and is happiest hanging out in her diaper. Hayden recently has become a fan of the pacifier. She looks so cute sucking away on her little pink paci. She has been sleeping through the night, even camping, 9pm till 7-8 am. She will be in for a rude awakening when I go back to work in 2 weeks, getting dragged out of bed at 6am.
New pictures below, Hayden is calling.

I am so impressed that you guys camped with two little ones. I can barely do it with myself let alone Max! :)
It's so nice to keep posted on all the happenings with the Schmidt's. Hope Kendal's rash clears up soon...and Hayden grows some more "sugar meat" (that's what they call baby chunk here in Kentucky!).
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