Sunday, after I cut the grass and Mike worked on edging, some how Greg talked Mike into putting up the pool Kendal got for her birthday. It was finally filled up around 6 last night. None of the adults were brave enough to jump in, so we talked Oliva and Brendon into swimming in the pool. After about 10 minutes the poor little mouths were chattering so badly they had to get out. We enjoyed a nice bar-b-que with our friends. Then Mike and I stayed up watching a shark documentary, looks like I am never snorkeling in the ocean again.
Today Kendal, Sarah, Ben and I packed a small picnic and headed back to Kensington so the kids could play in the water. The water was much warmer today, and since it was so freaking hot here it was actually refreshing. Kendal should have taken a nap before we went; Sarah finally got to see a crabby Kendal. All was going good until a girl turned around to fast and knocked Kendal over. Kendal was OK, except for a fat bloody lip; she must have bit her lip when she fell. We packed up and headed home, we weren't even out of the parking lot and Kendal was already snoring, Ben soon followed. Kendal is acting fine after her nap this afternoon and the fat lip is gone.
Kendal's new word for the week... Mike. Enjoy some new pictures. Feel free to leave comments.

Glad you guys had a good weekend without us. Seems like you didn't miss us at all! Hey, is that a pony tail in Kendal's hair? Love it! Where did you get the pink and brown bathing suit. My niece has the same one and I would love to get one for Maddy to match Brooke as we will be seeing them in 2 weekends and then again Labor Day weekend. She would just think that is so cool if her and Maddy were matching.
I work smarter not harder! thanks hunny...
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