Last week, Jaclynn, Jason, and Maddy went to Kensington Metro Park with us for a picnic on the beach and a bike ride around the lake towing the kids. The hills don’t look too bad, but it is over 8 miles and by the end Kendal sure started to get heavy. I think our new hobby may stick. We will see.
The 4th of July was sweet; we went down to Greg's parents place on the lake to relax for the day. Thanks for the invite Mr. and Mrs. Abbott! The weather turned out beautiful and we had a great time. I tried to wake board but just could not figure it out, I tried so hard that I banged my knee up pretty bad and my back is terribly sore still. Didn't stop me from golfing on Friday! Thanks Jaclynn for watching Kendal and taking her to daycare!
On Thursday last week, we had a couple really nasty storms roll through that did some damage in the area. When they hit Marine and I were on our way to a Toby Keith concert... I'm surprised the Scion did not blow away! The concert got delayed a few hours due to a power outage (how ironic since the concert was at DTE Energy Music Theater). We made the best of it and had a great time. Thanks again Jaclynn and Jason for watching Kendal. Geez, it seems like we just keep pawning Kendal off, huh! In reality, this is rare, but it is nice to get away every once in awhile.
Still have not had a chance to get Kendal's one year pictures... bad parents, maybe Monday, but Kendal has another doctors appointment to talk about her kidney reflux that she got diagnosed with last week. Antibiotics for a year… boo! The doctor said she should outgrow this is the next few years. Let’s hope so.
We finally sent out some thank you notes from Kendal's parties... sorry for the delay. Look for them in the mail early next week. Take care everyone... back to work tomorrow. Recent pics are below:

Kendal is like part of our family. She is welcome to stay at our house anytime. The girls did great together and both went to bed no problem. It was a cinch! Thanks for watching the boys this weekend.
Poor Kendal. I swear that anything that can happen to a kid will happen to her. I guess that goes with the territory though, considering the health record of mommy. At least she trakes everything in stride.
Auntie Mandy needs to learn how to type. Or to at least use the preview button!!
Be nice to Aunt Mandy! Mr. Anonynous... show your face :>
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