Last weekend Mike went fishing with has dad and bother Timmy. Since the guys went up north, my sister came to hang out with Kendal and I. I don't have any pictures since Mike had our camera and Kendal or Mandy misplaced Mandy's camera; which is still lost to this day. Sorry Mandy.
Monday night was Jason's 30th birthday, so I picked Maddy and Kendal up from Karen's so that Jaclynn and Jason could go out alone for Jason's B-day. Two kids is a lot harder than one, especially by myself. Sarah and Ben came over to help me out, because the girls wore me out quick. Maddy and Kendal enjoyed mac and cheese, green beans, and pancakes together for dinner. I had to get rid of all the leftovers from the weekend. Boy what a mess. Maddy seemed to like the feeling of rubbing cheese all over her body (video below explains it). I gave them both baths after dinner, it was extremely hard to grab two wet naked running babies to get them into their jammies, thank god this was when Mike came home from golf and helped me out.
Friday we packed up and headed up to Mancelona to go camping with the Kreiders and the Abbotts. We were praying for better weather then the rainy cold weekend we had last summer. We got really hot days and freezing cold nights. At least we were better prepared this summer. All the babies had a blast running around and hanging outside. We spent Saturday afternoon at the pool, it was so much more fun with the kids this year, screaming and splashing around. After the pool we spent the evening playing bad-mitten, Schmidts 2 Kreiders 0. I think this is the first time ever that Mike and I can actually say we smoked the Kreiders in a sport. We all enjoyed talking around the late night campfires while the kids were all snuggled up in the tents. The ride home went pretty smoothly and we are all unpacked and ready to start another week. This summer is flying by.
Kendal is talking a lot now, some of her favorite new words are kitty kitty, NO, and night night when she is ready to go to bed. That has to be our new favorite thing she does. She usually gives us a clue by walking up to the steps, shaking the gate and she softly says,” go night night." This kid is just too cute.
A couple videos below.
Maddy likes cheese!
Maddy takes Ben's pacifiers...
Kendal makes music and smacks Jaclynn
Our favorite moment of the trip... these two are like sisters!
Enjoy some recent pictures below.

Love the videos! Thanks for getting some of Maddy. We sure had a great weekend, just went way too fast. You all are sure great friends and we love ya'll to death, especially Kendal!
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